Our Why?

Dinner time matters

Technology can enrich our lives, but too often it does the opposite.
While others build apps to suck us (and our kids) in, Dinnerfy gives you time back. Spend it around the dinner table - you'll be glad you did.

You probably don't need the research to know the value of family dinner.
(but if you're curious, click the link)

Tech Team
Early Adopter Interviews
Building it during summers

Hall of Fame

SuperMom's that helped us get here

A few words from the Co-Founders

We designed Dinnerfy for our family … but I think yours might like it too. Our patented technology learns your family’s tastes and effortlessly helps you achieve your goals and spend more quality time with the people you love.

Remember that every time you tweak your menu, you make Dinnerfy better for everyone. While your usage is valuable, your direct feedback is even more so. We'd love to hear from you, so please share your ideas and suggestions!

Thank you for supporting Dinnerfy and its mission.

Chuck & Aman